Recent content by UncleMurphy

  1. UncleMurphy


    Hi everyone, Just rode the DN-01 to get the bike inspected for rego today (1800kms on the odo). I left the key to "ON" for around 10 seconds but didn't start it - during this time the brake lights, turn signals, high beams and horn were all tested. When I started it to leave it started first...
  2. UncleMurphy

    DN-01 Folding Mirrors

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has been able to construct a mod where the mirrors can be folded in when parked in tight spaces? Regards, Victor
  3. UncleMurphy

    Aussie DN-01 First Service

    Hi guys, its been a month or so since owning my DN-01 and I'm looking at doing my own servicing on the bike. Thanks to the service manual uploaded on this forum I'm able to have a read on what to do to make my DN-01 run great. :D So I've decided to purchase this kit...
  4. UncleMurphy

    Seat Cover / Accessories for DN-01

    Hi all, Finally was able to replace the battery and remove the Tupperware from the Dino :p Just wondering a way to protect the seat from the elements, is there some sort of seat cover available on eBay etc...? I'm also interested in the Taiwanese Original Motion exhaust, any idea on the cost...
  5. UncleMurphy

    Checks before purchasing a low KM DN-01

    Hi guys, I'm about to purchase a 2008 Honda DN-01 in Black with 1500kms on the odometer. This is in Sydney, Australia by the way :) Just wondering for a motorcycle that old with little kms, what should I be looking out for when purchasing? It's the only bike so far that is made for shorter...
