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heat related reliability


Aug 26, 2012
these bikes can suffer heat related ignition/transmission problems. firstly, has anyone been trouble free for [?] miles riding regularly in heavy/slow traffic? And secondly, what permanent fixes have worked?

No problem at all, but the fan starting to work really often. Seems that it should work like this. At this summer had once a temperature warning light while riding with passenger in heavy traffic for about an hour at 35C outside.

thanks for the reassurance, i'm about to change plug caps to cure cutting out when idling,and the drive solenoid to cure lack of drive/hft fault bar indication when hot. i'll post again when i'm confident they're fixed. I was close to giving up on mine & sticking with my tmax till they build a 750!

Ok, changing plug caps to ngk's has cured cutting out on idle but the drive failure was cured by cleaning the solenoid plug female with electrical solvent and fine solder.

Thanks for the tip from this forum. New plug caps sorted my bike too :)
I bought it at 2 years old and 520 miles - wouldn't have thought there would be such a problem on such low mileage - but hey, if the original caps were duff, what can you do. You could definitely hear the "clacking" sound of the spark escaping before they were changed.
Care on the rear cylinder, though - the NGK caps I got were quite long and the routing for the plug cable is close to the throttle mechanism - you don't want those two getting together!

Mine cuts out and stalls when standing in traffic even though the fan cycles periodically. It does restart but I've had to walk it off the road several times. Runs great most of the time and in all but the hottest weather.
