My intro


New member
Hi folks,

My name is Steve and I'm a new DN-01 owner since june. I love this bike and it's got everything I would have asked for in a bike had I just known to ask....

I live north of Fort Worth Texas and I ride it all the time in heavy (nearly suicidal) DFW traffic and also out on the wide open Texas prarie west of here. These have been out in the US since '09 and I still have regular riders come up and tell me that mine is the first one they've seen other than a picture in a magazine. I think if more folks got to see and ride one there would be far, far more of them sold here.

I've already replaced the pointless factory windshield with a new Givi which is a godsend at 70 mph. My next task is to save up enough to buy the top and sidebag hardware (unless I can find it used on ebay or craigslist). After that I'll be ordering the Givi bags and then have them painted to match my candly glory red Dino. Installing a front and rear flasher module is on my short list too since I ride in so much traffic.

Other than storage, a windshield and flasher modules, the DN-01 is the perfect bike for me and I just can't imagine it needing anything else.


Stove Pipe

New member
Welcome Steve,

My wife JoAnn (Pipe Cleaner) & I are originally from E. Texas and own a second home there now, in Cass County (far N.E. Texas).

Boy...... If I was in that mad-house DFW traffic, I would make the HEADLIGHT MODULATOR my main priority for my next purchase! I never want to hear, while laying on the pavement: "Officer I'm sorry I just didn't see them".

Good luck with your bike and stay safe!!!!
